Art is the business of selling fetishes, sacred relics once touched by genius: what the forger offers the gullible buyer is not art, it is "authenticity

Frank Wynne
About This Quote

The idea that art is a business and not a hobby or passion is a misconception. Art is the business of selling fetishes, sacred relics once touched by genius: what the forger offers the gullible buyer is not art, it is “authenticity.” With the help of some skilled fakers, this deception can be pulled off. The "artist" produces many works that are, in fact, bogus. These fake pieces are then sold to gullible buyers, who believe their purchases to be real.

Source: I Was Vermeer: The Rise And Fall Of The Twentieth Centurys Greatest Forger

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More Quotes By Frank Wynne
  1. We should all realize that we can only talk about the bad forgeries, the ones that have been detected; the good ones are still hanging on the walls

  2. Art is the business of selling fetishes, sacred relics once touched by genius: what the forger offers the gullible buyer is not art, it is "authenticity

  3. Vermeer's skill was in combining few colors, mixing little and using layers of lakes and varnishes to build up the illusion of life

  4. An artist must paint not simply surface light but what is inside, what he sees within his subject

  5. An artist must paint not simply surface light, but what is inside, what he sees within his subject

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